To create opportunities for residents, businesses, and government representatives to work together utilizing comprehensive community development strategies, develop dynamic neighborhoods, revitalize communities, and improve the quality of life for the residents in our service area, Jefferson County, Alabama.

To offer worthwhile opportunities for advancement, achievement and success for people of all ages, ethnicities and nationalities.
Services Offered
The HUB Community Development Corporation Inc. is a non-profit corporation classified as an exempt 501(c)3 organization by the IRS. Therefore, donations from corporations and individuals qualify for maximum tax benefits allowable by the IRS.
If you are interested in investing in THE HUB, please email
Food Pantry
Located at The Worship Center Christian Church’s Bessemer campus (limited non-perishable items are available at our Derby Campus), our Food Pantry provides fresh/frozen meats and produce as well as canned/boxed goods for families and individuals in need.
The pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00am – 3:00pm. Please email or call (205) 451-1750 ext. 0 to schedule an appointment.
For more information on any of our programs, please contact
Homelessness Services
Working together with the Continuum of Care and other service providers throughout Jefferson County, we provide assistance to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or in danger of becoming homeless then link them to vital resources to help begin the journey to rebuilding their lives.
For more information on any of our programs, please contact
Financial Education and Counseling
There are no requirements for program participation – all Jefferson County residents are welcome to engage in the financial and housing education programs we offer. These programs and services include:
Pre-purchase Homebuyer Group Education
Every person deserves to have a decent, dependable place to call home. In Jefferson County, Alabama, THE HUB CDC is doing what we can to help make that happen.
Facilitated by qualified instructors, this program helps prospective home buyers wisely choose housing professionals and provides them with information on establishing and maintaining good credit ratings, personal financial management, loan agreement terms, property taxes, insurance, home and property maintenance, sales contract, and the closing settlement statement.
For more information on any of our programs, please contact
Individual Financial Counseling
Our certified coaches can work with you to establish a household budget and help you address your credit challenges. During a private individual session, our coaches can assess your current income and expenses, help create a spending plan, review an updated credit report and work with you to achieve your financial goals.
Financial Capabilities Workshops
THE HUB CDC believes that one of the most effective ways to serve our community is to assist residents in obtaining personal financial wellness through wealth building and financial education. Our curriculum is designed to help participants understand the basics of credit, spending plans, financial planning, and wealth management. Information and registration links for upcoming workshops and conferences will be posted on this website.
For more information on any of our programs, please contact
Veterans Rental and Utility Assistance Program
The Veterans Rental and Utility Assistance Program (VRAUP), a collaboration between The City of Birmingham Community Development Division, The HUB CDC and the Birmingham Veteran Affairs Administration (VA). This pilot program initiative was designed to assist eligible local at-risk Veterans resolve housing challenges and avoid homelessness.
Utilizing a layering of The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, eligible Veterans have the opportunity to rebuild secure homelife for their families. The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Coupled with the VASH, The HUB CDC provides rental and utility assistance and HUD Housing Counseling to the Veterans to bridge the financial gap and help them realize housing stability. The HUB utilizes HUD Community Development Block Grant and Emergency Solutions Grant funds provided by the City of Birmingham, our community partner for rehousing and homelessness prevention. Programmatic financial assistance provided by the HUB includes: lease application fees, security deposits and utility security deposits. There are funds available on a limited basis to eligible Veterans to help with rental and utility arrears for those at imminent risk of homelessness. The Veterans participating in this program are offered HUD Housing Counseling through rental counseling and financial capability education.
This collaboration aligns with the Mayor of the City of Birmingham’s initiative to reduce homelessness among area Veterans and also brings together two agencies that share a mutual mission; to stabilize communities and provide families with sustainable housing solutions.
For more information about this program contact your VA Case Manager.
Housing Counseling and Financial Education
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -approved Housing Counselors have been helping consumers across America make informed housing decisions for more than 50 years. The HUB CDC’s Housing Counselors have attended extended HUD training sessions to prepare them to offer education and counseling services. The HUB has also adopted the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling, a set of guidelines for quality homeownership and counseling services. Industry professionals who adopt these standards can be trusted to provide consistent, high quality advice. Because of this, residents in our service area seeking help with financial management can turn to HUB CDC counselors and have confidence that a trained housing coach will maintain their privacy and be well equipped to understand, evaluate options and offer sound suggestions. Wherever the client is in the housing process, the HUB CDC is here to provide insight and answers needed to make the right choice.
The HUB currently offers in-person and virtual HUD Financial Education and Housing Counseling in the following areas:
Rental Counseling
Homelessness Prevention
Financial Capabilities and Wealth Building
Foreclosure and Default Prevention Education
Disaster Preparedness Education
Pre-purchase Education
For more information about these programs contact
Volunteering with the HUB CDC
Food pantry volunteers are asked to serve an additional 30 minutes before and after pantry hours. Volunteer service includes visitor intake; assisting with record-keeping; escorts to help distribute food; and workroom persons for a variety of activities including organizing and stocking the pantry shelves, etc.
Food distribution volunteer service includes organizing the distribution area, greeting guests, obtaining required client information and passing out food boxes.
Event volunteer service includes greeting guest, escorting facilitators and speakers, serving refreshements and obtaining required client information.
Training for all volunteers is provided; thank you in advance for your willingness to serve our community! For more information on any of our programs, please contact