To Miss Kimberly:
I want to tell you and your staff thank you for the work that you did. on the behalf of me in the village square community I want to say I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart and I pray that God richly bless you is my prayer thank you once again for your diligent working ethics they couldn’t have placed a better person in that position you were designed for that position. I want to tell you that God is well pleased with you for saving many homes for his people not to be homeless and I’m one of them I truly
Thank You
Client was in a relationship that caused her to be a victim to domestic violence, she had obtained housing for her and her son but shortly after, lost her job due to COVID-19. She applied for Rental and Utility Assistance with the HUB CDC due to and had a scheduled date to be out of the home. Client owed a substantial amount in past due rent. She was served an Eviction notice from the sheriff and only had a short amount of time to resolve the rent issue. After reviewing the application and it was determined that Client qualified for the program and was eventually approved for assistance. The HUB CDC worked with the Court to stop the eviction and was able to pay the full amount to prevent this family from becoming homeless.
Client informed us that she really appreciates the assistance offered by the HUB CDC and she will forever be grateful. Upon receiving assistance from the HUB CDC, Client was offered a job where she states will help her be able to pay her rent because she does not want to be in this situation again, it was very stressful, and she would not wish this on anyone. If it had not been for agencies like the HUB CDC, many people would be homeless and without any place to live.
Applied for Rental and Utility Assistance with the HUB CDC due to recently being laid off her job. She is an educator who assisted with the building and teaching students in other countries including Africa. She had more compassion in her heart for helping and teaching. Unfortunately, due to the current state of unemployment due to COVID-19, continuing to be an educator was becoming more and more difficult. Due to her past due amount for her rent, she started selling her furniture and gathering her personal belongings because she did not have the funds needed to remain in her apartment. Upon applying for assistance with the HUB, Client did not believe that she would get the assistance she was seeking. She was approved for assistance, and we were able to pay 3 months of her monthly rent as well as a utility bill. Client stated that without the assistance she did not know what she would do, and she was very appreciative of the service provided to her.